Pathology lantern slides taken by physician George O'Hanlan. Each is labelled and the patient's medical problem is described. Lantern slides also show the interior and exterior of the hospital, and the Lady Board of Managers, ca. 1900-1918. Glass negatives depict the exterior of Bellevue Hospital, 1880s. Other photographs portray hospital physicians, prominent individuals associated with the hospital, historical documents and architectural drawings pertaining to Bellevue Hospital, historical medical instruments, and the 19th century operating amphitheater where doctors taught students medical procedures. Photographs illustrate pediatric and nursing scenes and representatives of different types of the patient population, 1870s-1930. Other scenes show Bellevue Hospital interiors and exteriors and entertainers who have visited the hospital. In addition, public relations photographs taken on behalf of the Better Bellevue Association, an auxiliary organization dedicated to the construction of new hospital facilities. These photographs document daily activities of the hospital, conferences, and events and special visits by prominent individuals, 1961-1970. Unsorted color slides depict equipment and hospital rooms showing thier environmental design, hospital grounds, training scenes, interior and exterior of the kitchen, operating rooms, supply rooms, and the psychiatric school. All photographs in this collection are. Identified except for the color slides.